Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Fraiser Legacy: Chapter 1 Part 1

Yes! I've finally moved out of my parents house! Gooooodbye Riverview, Hellllo Sunset Valley! My address you may ask? Well of course its 15 Summer Hill Court! It cost me $14,700 to buy this grand lot from my personal savings account, which I had only $16,000 in. Now I only had $1,300 left to spend on my house. And this is where that got me...

At this point I was about ready to move back in with my parents, but I decided to tough it out and live with what life had brought me.

So I decided to get a job, professional sports of course. And I slowly started to make some casholo. Then the worst came and a burglar came and stole my toilet. Worst day ever? I would say...

-Evan Fraiser

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